You Got Pretty Lips, Boy.
Ok, comedic allusions behind… {If anything, you can always expect tongue-in-cheek humor from me.} Admittedly, there’s an ego stroking when I hear comments like, “your skin is so clear” or “you really don’t have a lot of wrinkles” – then the stinger – “for someone your age.” { leave me to bleed }
I have always been a bit of a freak when it comes to taking care of my skin, from Clinique skin products as a teenager to far-fetched serums and other curious regiments as an adult. I am 100% in support of photo-facials and dermabrasion techniques to augment the appearance of the skin.
I have a dear friend that worked for L’Oréal in Paris and New York and his sage advice was to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! I’ve taken that to heart and follow his advice daily.
I found this video message provided by my Dermatologist’s office to sum up skin care quite nicely. It breaks down skin care into 4 basic categories:
- Sunscreen (w/Zinc or Titanium Oxide)
- Use a Retinol cream at night
- Moisturize using a cream with ceramides
- Use an anti-oxidant cream as well
I also visit my Dermatologist annually for a skin check-up, to freeze off any unsightly blemishes and to get a prescription for Retinol; 0.025% is fine for daily use according to my physician.
Always use sunscreen! I have some terrible sun damage from my youth and twenties that if I had known better, I would not have subjected myself to.
An FYI. If you have a photo facial performed and have a lot of redness afterwards, ask the clinic to prescribe Silvadene (topical) to speed up the recovery process. It also helps if you have sun overexposure.