Scott Ballew Lifestyle The Absurd

The Absurd

After my divorce, I went through a rough patch. I felt lost, depressed, anxious, and unsure of my purpose. Before that, I had poured all my energy into making my home life amazing. But when everything changed, I was shocked and confused. It was like I was stuck in a dark place, emotionally and mentally. Slowly, I started to realize that I had been neglecting myself. Sure, I had the things we all want – a partner, a nice home, a new car. But those things don’t make you feel good inside. They just make you feel like you have it all together.

When a friend passed unexpectedly, I was even at more of a loss for understanding the what and why of life. I had been in weekly therapy sessions for about a year and suddenly the discussions shifted from the topic of the pain of my divorce to the senseless passing on my friend. My “ah ha” moment was the realization that trying to control anything in life is a fatalistic exercise. There’s no rhyme or reason in life, things are often just the way they are and you can’t do much about it. To coin a colloquialism, “Life happens!”

This video sums it up quite well.

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