Scott Ballew

A man in midlife.


More Reps, Less Weight

It is a philosophy I completely agree with. I hear of middle-aged men tearing tendons and having ACL issues; all due to too much weight and jerking their weight.


It Never Hurts to Ask

…for help. I have two pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. I love them! The style, the fit, the lenses – everything about them. However, I didn’t love the scratches..


Maintain, Don’t Change!

Men are funny about admitting they’re self-conscious about aging. Some just tell it like it is and wear their wrinkles with a smile and others are a bit more reserved.

Clothing, Lifestyle

Darts in the Back

Not the kind you throw, but the kind you sew. For years, men’s clothes have trended towards fitted, rather than loose. However, if you’ve kept an eye on style.